Home News Orders Interviews Notes anthology Gallery





We’re going to stick to a strict nine-panel grid for this story, because we’ve only got five pages and the grid should give us a nice rhythm throughout.


Doctor O’s manservant, Pathe, is going about his business around the mansion when he’s interrupted by a couple of sightseers wanting to have a look around the premises. It’s the National Heritage Open Day, when all registered Heritage houses are required to open their doors to the public, and since Doctor O receives Heritage funding for his home, that goes for his place too. Pathe decides he’ll have a bit of fun and lets the couple in, showing them the extraordinary and often-impossible secrets the house holds. These become more and more incredible, until the couple call a halt, having reached the conclusion this is all a massive Candid Camera-style prank. At which point a crazed telekinetic villainess called Oestrogen bursts in confirms that this is all too real. The end.


Establishing shot of the O Men’s stately home. Viewpoint is from the edge of the trees, looking towards the front of the house (see O Men 1 for reference). It’s late summer, around 5 o’clock, so still plenty of light left in the day, although the trees’ shadows are getting long, stretching towards the house. The important thing here is we can see the windows of the house, and in particular the first floor centre window. If possible, can we see the top half of a figure in the window, indistinct, but obviously in profile, bending over slightly to our right? Not sure how possible this will be, but if you can do it, cool.


We’re now in the house, looking out through that same first floor middle window, POV slightly raised above head height. In front of the window is the figure (this is Pathe, but we won’t see him clearly until page 2), partly silhouetted against the light coming through the glass. As with previous panel, he’s bending over slightly (to our left now, obviously), and now we can see he’s doing something to the table that’s to the left of the window (dusting, as will become clear next panel). As the light is coming in through this window, everything inside is naturally somewhat dark, but you can make out the drapes, the shape of the table, that there’s a spray can resting on it, and what looks like a carriage clock. Through the window, past Pathe, we can see the lawn and trees out front of the house.


Close up on Pathe’s arm, dust-cloth in hand, polishing the table. Now we can see that the spray can is a can of polish, and that is indeed a carriage clock, with the time at about 10 to 5. Pathe’s arm is suit-jacketed.


This is the first of two caption panels on this page, which should be the same size as the rest of the panels in this 9-panel grid. They should be all white, with just centred words in them, and maybe an Edwardian-looking twirly-but-simple design in each corner.

CAPTION: “Open Day”

Close up of Pathe’s arms and hands holding a figurine – a small Michaelangelo’s David – and polishing it with his cloth. Maybe we can see some of his torso too – his shirt and jacket lapels and bowtie.


Long shot: Pathe’s still upstairs, now with his back to us, adjusting a large oil painting hanging on the far wall. At his feet there’s a hoover, one of those smiley-faced ones, its long neck propped against the wall. In the foreground we can see the top of the stairs, which descend to our left.


Very tight on the hoover, and Pathe’s hand, his forefinger just about to press the ‘on’ button.


As with the other caption panel, this should be white, maybe with borders as suggested, and centred text.

CAPTION: An O Men Interlude


Nick Jones


Garen Ewing

Pathe hoovering in profile halfway down the stairs, which descend to our right, with a banister on the side of the stairs nearest to us and a wall on the far side. Renaissance-looking paintings adorn the wall – these will crop up again later in the story, so it’s important they’re there. The doorbell is ringing, but Pathe’s not reacting to it.

SFX (top of panel): DING-DONG! PAGE 2

We’re now just outside the front door of the house. Viewpoint is looking at the heavy wooden door, which is being opened by Pathe (it’s hinged on our right), with two people standing in front of it, facing towards it. From the back of their heads you can tell that on our right is a woman, and on our left is a man. She’s slightly shorter than him, with dyed blonde shoulder-length hair, and he has short, dark hair. Pathe is raised slightly above these two, so you can see from his chest to his head. He has a blank, disinterested, aloof look on his face.


A switch in viewpoints: we’re now seeing from Pathe’s perspective, looking straight at the two people, both of whom are looking up towards us. She is pretty, in her early 30s, average weight, and smiling as she speaks. Her name is Sarah. He’s not bad looking, same sort of age, with a modern, fairly trendy haircut and sideburns, and he’s also smiling pleasantly. His name is Martin. They’re typical of the kinds of lower middle class couples who go roaming the English countryside in search of things to do in their spare time, treating this country’s heritage like an extended theme park. Ahem.

SARAH: Er… ha ha. Hello!

SARAH: Is the… owner in?

Back to the Panel 1 POV. The door is nearly open, though Pathe is clearly blocking the way and holding onto the doorknob on his side of the door. He has the same disinterested look on his face, as he looks down on the couple.


Switch to Pathe’s POV again. The couple are in the same positions, both still smiling, and again she is speaking.

SARAH: Is this your property? Only we were hoping… Is it too late to have a look around?

SARAH: For the Open Day? The English Heritage thing…? We are members. I’ve got my card if you’d like to see it…

Repeat panel 3.


Back to Pathe’s POV. Same positions as before, except the smile has now somewhat dropped off Sarah’s face, though there’s still the hint of it – she’s looking more mystified now. Her boyfriend has also stopped smiling, and is actually one step away from being a bit pissed off, which he will be next panel.

SARAH: Uh… Did you—? Sorry, can you hear me?

SARAH: Hello?

Pathe’s POV again. Same positions, but now the couple are both looking slightly cross and exasperated.

MARTIN: Look, mate, I don’t mean to be a pain, but it took us ages to find this place and, y’know, you’re required by law to open your doors to the public. Especially today. It is the national Open Day…

Repeat panel 3.


Same as panel 3, except now Pathe has backed away and to the right, and we can see his right arm is sweeping in towards the house, welcoming the couple in. He’s also lost the blank expression and is now smiling pleasantly. Basically, from this point on, Pathe’s decided to brighten his usual boring day by having some fun at this lower middle class couple’s expense and showing them of the wonders contained in the house.

PATHE: Quite so. Do come in.


We’re now inside the main hall. I’d suggest a long raised view looking down and towards the front door, which is now closed. Pathe is to the left of the door, not far from the wall, watching the couple. They have moved in to the hall and apart slightly – Sarah further to the right than Pathe, Martin further forward and again to the right of her – and are both looking up and around them. The house should look like a typical 18th century country manor house, but you can litter it with much older furniture and fittings if you like, though if you see walls there should be paintings on them.


Tight on Sarah, who’s turned round to talk to Pathe. She’s got a pleasant, polite look on her face again, and now she’s seen Pathe’s penguin suit get-up in full, she’s more sure he’s not actually the owner. But she’s still not entirely certain, hence the pause in her question. Anyway, we can see Martin behind and to the right of her, and he’s looking to the right, actually at the paintings on the wall, as we shall see.

SARAH: So. Um… How long has the— owner’s— family lived here?

We need to focus on two things in this panel: Sarah and Pathe’s conversation, and Martin, who’s walked over to the wall to study the paintings, in particular one large one. I guess if we go for a mid-distance shot, with Sarah and Pathe in profile in the foreground, we’d be able to see Martin between them looking at the paintings. Or we might only need to see part of Sarah and Pathe, so that the visual focus is on Martin. Up to you.

PATHE: Doctor O has no family, ma’am. But he has lived here all his life — as have I.

SARAH: Oh, okay. But before that? I mean, it’s quite a grand house, and the English Heritage guide doesn’t really tell you anything — not even how to get here really! Is there anyone, you know, titled or… historically important linked to it?

Tight on Martin, who’s bending over to look at the corner of one of the paintings. We can see his face – he’s examining a signature and his brow is furrowed. Meanwhile, Pathe’s telling Sarah all about the house’s fabulous former residents.

PATHE (from off left): Oh, indeed, ma’am. This house has played host to a number of interesting characters over the years. Winston Churchill resided here for a period; JMW Turner was a frequent guest; Jane Austen stayed briefly; both Oliver Cromwell and Charles I were guests – separately, of course; Sir Francis Drake; Anne Boleyn…

Sarah’s reaction to Pathe’s bizarre revelation: she looks stunned and confused.

SARAH: Oh. God. Right. That’s… I’m sorry, did you¬— Oliver Cromwell? But… this house is only a few hundred years old. How can—?

MARTIN (from off left): Bloody hell! This is a Titian!

Switch to adjacent to Martin, who’s turned around and is now looking towards Pathe and Sarah. Sarah has gone from looking stunned and confused to dazed and confused. Pathe is looking pleased with how this is all unfolding. Maybe we can see the side of Martin’s face – if we can, he’ll be somewhat slack-jawed.

PATHE: Mm? Ah: quite so, sir. A late Tiziano Vecellio, painted around 1575 – a companion piece to ‘The Flaying of Marsyas’, I believe.

Reverse angle from previous panel, looking back from Pathe and Sarah towards Martin. Martin’s turned back to the paintings and is pointing at one of them.

MARTIN: But… I’ve never seen it before. I’ve never seen any of these paintings before. I mean, I recognise the artists: that’s a Rembrandt… that’s a Vermeer. But I’ve never heard of, or— or even seen plates of the paintings.

PATHE: Mm. The Doctor does have an… idiosyncratic collection.

Martin is stalking back to where Sarah is, whilst looking at Pathe. He’s angry, in the sense that he doesn’t know what’s going on here and doesn’t like that fact.

MARTIN: Idiosyncratic? It’s fucking miraculous!

SARAH: Shh, Martin! Please!

MARTIN: Sorry Sarah, but— I know enough about art to know these paintings don’t exist!

On Pathe, who is chuckling to himself. He rarely gets any unexpected visitors, and he’s going to enjoy this. There’s a fair chunk of dialogue in this panel – I hope you can fit it all in as it’s pretty important, but let me know if you have problems.

PATHE: A-heh. Heh. Sir. Madam. Might I say, you’ve shown admirable determination in finding your way here. It is no accident that this residence is so difficult to locate, although our generous Heritage funding necessitates us assenting to at least a perfunctory mention in the available literature. So, having succeeded in tracking us down, it seems only proper you be rewarded with the grand tour.

PATHE: In other words, to use the vernacular: you ain’t seen nothing yet.


We’re now in a medium size room with Martin, Sarah and Pathe, who are all looking at a large waste-height chunk of rock close to one wall. There’s a tall glass dome on top of it, and inside the glass is a sword, stuck in the rock. Guess what the sword is. Weapons of every sort adorn the walls – axes, swords, maces, bows and arrows, pistols (from flintlocks to automatics), rifles, machine guns, and so on.

PATHE: The Armoury. Much of the weaponry on display here is of a functional as well as decorative nature.

MARTIN: Is that—?

PATHE: Excalibur, yes. Arthur’s fabled sword. Break glass in case of emergency.

Our group is now in a much, much larger room than the last one, too large for the size of the house really – this’ll need to be established in a long shot to make the jump from the last panel. This is the library, with thousands of books on shelves that go all the way up to the ceiling, plus various ladders, desks, chairs etc. Prominently on display on a plinth is a very large open book, which Pathe is gesturing towards.

PATHE: The Great Library.

PATHE: Over there is the little-seen third Domesday Book, this one detailing the religious persuasion, political leanings and sexual proclivities of the population of Great Britain, circa 1086.

A smaller room again. POV is just outside the room looking in through the open doorway. Shelves on all walls, this time loaded down with box files and scrapbooks and albums of newspaper clipping and photographs. There’s a reading desk in the room too. Pathe is further into room than Sarah and Martin, and he’s reaching up and pulling down an album.

PATHE And here we are in the Archive Room. Let me see… Ah. This album might be of particular interest to the layman. 20th Century classics, as I like to call them…

This and the next panel are two halves of the same picture. The album Pathe has selected is open on the reading desk, and our POV is looking down at it. In this panel we can see the left hand page, and in the left/lower part of the panel we can see Martin’s head and right shoulder. He’s looking to our right – actually at Sarah, who’s mirroring his position in the next panel. He’s got an expression on his face as if to ask, ‘Is this for real?’ On the album page is a photograph of a flying saucer sitting in a hangar. In front of the saucer is a US general, grinning at the camera and shaking the hand of, well, an alien. A short alien, a ‘Grey’ basically. The Grey’s other arm is raised. He’s waving at the camera. Underneath the photo in handwriting on the album page is:



Here we see the right hand page of the open book. In the right/lower part of the panel, looking to our left (at Martin) is Sarah. The expression on her face is, ‘Don’t ask me!’ On the page she’s overlooking is another photo, same sort of size as the one in the last panel. This photo is of a sound stage, taken from the edge of the backdrop, pretty much centred in the photo so we can see the scaffolding holding the backdrop up. In front of the backdrop (which is a black starfield) on the right of the photo is the familiar sight of the 1969 lunar landing, with the module and an astronaut on the surface of the Moon. Round the back of the backdrop, leaning against the scaffolding, is a male cleaner. He’s in his fifties, and is smoking a fag. Underneath the photo in the same handwriting as the facing page is:


PATHE (from off right): Moving on to the Study…

We’re now in a large-ish room, certainly bigger than the archive room. POV is from behind a glass display cabinet, about stomach-height, inside of which is a very large tooth, like a dinosaur’s tooth, except with a bit of gum and root at the base of it. On the far side of the cabinet, over the top of it, we can see Pathe, who is looking at the tooth and explaining what it is. Behind and either next to him or either side of him are Martin and Sarah, and we can see they’re looking at each other as if to say, ‘OK, this guy’s definitely pulling our collective legs’.

PATHE: …and the undoubted highlight of the Trophy Room: a frontal tooth from the legendary monster of Loch Ness — extracted at great risk, I might add. Nessie was still alive at the time.

We’re now out in the main hall of the house, but towards the back of the place, and facing that way too. We’re focussed on a large, strange object sitting on the floor, a roundish contraption topped by a glass dome, with four seats in it and lots of rather dated-looking electronic equipment. It’s quite seriously bashed and rent on its left side. We can’t see our group – all we can see is Pathe’s shadow at the bottom of the panel, pointing towards (and maybe running over) the capsule.

PATHE (from off below): Here we see the time-dilating dimension pod used by the UK Ultra-Knights during their battle with the notorious Chrono-Killer from Reality Z. Note the extensive damage to the left side of the capsule, the result of—

MARTIN (from off right, overlapping?): Oh come on!

On Martin, who’s pissed off, but in a good-natured way. Like he accepts this has all been an amusing charade, but still doesn’t quite understand what’s going on. On the wall behind him (not directly behind though) is a large mirror, in which we can see Pathe, who’s looking slightly affronted that his credibility is being questioned.

MARTIN: This is getting ridiculous. I mean, I could maybe buy the ‘never-before-seen’ written English constitution, or that photo of the camouflaged CIA ‘wetwork’ team on the grassy knoll. But the Loch Ness Monster? The, what’d you say, Chrono-Killer from Dimension Z? It’s just nonsense!

PATHE: Reality Z, sir. And I can assure you, all of the artefacts I’ve shown you are completely genuine.

Pull back for a long, raised shot. We can see Sarah standing with Martin to her left (our right), facing in our direction. They’re near the back wall of the house, which is again adorned with pictures (and the mirror we saw Pathe in). Pathe has his back to us, and is looking at Martin and Sarah, so he’s facing the wall. To the left of them all is the time pod, and whatever other fixtures and fitting you want to put in. We need a long/wide shot here because the first panel on page 5 will be from the same POV, except with a section of the wall exploding in to the room. Sarah has her arms away from her side as she speaks and is coming to the (mistaken) conclusion that this is all a prank, so she’s a little cross but smiling, and looking around for hidden cameras. Martin now has his hands on his hips and has a similar expression on his face to Sarah.

SARAH: You don’t really expect us to believe that, do you? I mean, granted it’s a pretty elaborate prank… Come to think of it, it’s hard to imagine anyone going to such extraordinary lengths just to fool a few sightseers. Unless…

SARAH: This is a set-up, isn’t it? Has someone put you up to this? Where are the hidden cameras?!

MARTIN: That’s it, isn’t it? It’s all a set-up! I knew it!

MARTIN: Fnhh. UK Ultra-Wipes. It’s like some stupid comic or something…

Same set-up as panel 9, page 4, except now there’s an almighty crash, as a section of the wall nearest our protagonists explodes into the house. Sarah and Martin are shrinking from the noise, instinctively throwing their arms up to protect themselves. Pathe, on the other hand, is showing no outward reaction. Through the smoke and dust of the explosion we can see a figure seemingly floating in the air, obviously the cause of the devastation. This is Oestrogen, our villainess, though no one apart from me, you and Mr Eden will ever know her name. Her dialogue should be lettered differently to everyone else’s: caps I should think, and maybe jagged letters (her voice sounds like nails scraping down a blackboard).



Full figure shot of Oestrogen floating through the massive hole in the wall she’s created, with maybe a the backs of some of our other protagonists’ heads in the foreground – leave that up to you. We can see Oestrogen clearly now, though there’s still a lot of masonry dust in the air. She’s a wiry, aged, furious, naked old hag, with straggly black hair that moves round her head like Medusa’s snakes or like she’s being electrocuted, given a life of its own by her psychic energy. In fact, she’s crackling with energy all over. Her legs are together and her arms are slightly away from her body – not full on ‘crucifixion’ pose but certainly getting on for that.


We’re now looking at Sarah and Martin reacting to Oestrogen. Basically they both look shit scared, mouths open, arms still raised to ward her off. To the right and slightly behind them, however, is Pathe, who has a look of irritation/determination on his face, and round him are the funny shiny lines that denote he’s using his teleportation powers.


SARAH: Naarrgh!

MARTIN: Aaaaaagh!

Cut back to a very similar shot to panel 2, except now there’s a bit less dust and Oestrogen’s head is missing, with again those funny shiny lines around where it once was. She’s also lost her crucifixion pose, like she’s been jolted a bit, and there’s no sense of crackling energy around her anymore. What’s happened is Pathe has teleported her head off.

OESTROGEN: (empty speech bubble)

Oestrogen’s headless corpse hits the ground in the foreground, watched by a stunned Martin and Sarah in the background – with a now once again emotionless Pathe again at their elbow to the right.


Sarah has grabbed Martin’s arm and is dragging him off towards the big hole in the wall. She is desperate to escape. Martin is looking shocked as he’s pulled away.

SARAH: Get out! Go—



From behind Pathe, as he watches Sarah and Martin, who’ve gone through the hole and are running off into the distance.

DOCTOR O (from off): Pathe!

DOCTOR O (from off): What the bloody hell’s going on?!

We’re looking straight at an expressionless Pathe, who’s looking through the hole and past our POV to where Sarah and Martin must be disappearing into the distance. We can see the edges of the hole and the edges of the panel. Doctor O is just joining Pathe, and he also is looking out past us, but he’s angry and not a little confused about why there’s a huge great hole in his wall.

PATHE: Haven’t you heard, sir?

Pull back from last panel, so we can see more of the house and the grass outside. Pathe in same position, Doctor O standing alongside him, now with his hands on his hips.

PATHE: Today is Open Day.