This page contains
all the news since June 2004.
20/12/2008... Issue 2.7 is on sale NOW!
02/08/2008... A nice O Men feature on Forbidden
Planet here
09/06/2008... O Men 2.6 gets 4 out of 5 on!
it out here
Or just read it here!
We start with a bloodbath on the London Underground and end with a
profound betrayal; all in all it's another dramatic and emotional
issue of Martin Eden's superheroic soap opera.
Eden once again delivers a comic which is a veritable 'How To' guide
on low-key, character-led stories in a superhero setting. While there
isn't much in the way of kinetic superhero action in the issue, it
is nonetheless a dramatic read as personalities and relationships
are put through the grinder. There is a depth and honesty to the characterization,
despite the fantastic setting, which is far more successful than many
professional attempts at the same approach, mentioning no names of
course, because that would be New Avengers inappropriate. There's
also quite a bit going on, as Eden juggles more plots and subplots
than we saw in the previous volume; there is perhaps a slight sense
that with these numerous plots, and so much time spent on characterization,
that the story in general isn't moving forward quite as much as it
could be, but when it's all such strong work it seems churlish to
The art is pretty solid; the storytelling is particularly strong,
with plenty of effective page layouts and strong noir-ish panel compositions
that show a keen eye for visual design. Eden sets himself a huge channel
this issue with a sex scene between two of the protagonists (or maybe
three; it's complicated), something which would have been very easy
to do badly, but which is instead handled with a great deal of sensitivity
and some clever storytelling. It's not a flashy issue, but there's
something impressive about the measured subtlety of the visuals.
With this issue, Martin Eden maintains the high quality, particularly
in characterization, that has become expected of The O Men; truly
this title is the very model of how to do proper superhero stories
for a mature audience.
09/06/2008... Issue 2.6
notes uploaded.
12/05/2008... Issue 2.6 now available.
08/03/2008... A quick update on O Men 2.6 -
it should be ready this month and then Martin is intending to release
2.7 at Bristol in May, if all goes well. See the new interview for
a full update on the future of The O Men.
08/03/2008... Check out a new interview with
Martin in the interview section.
08/03/2008... The O Men is SFX's Fanzine of
the month (in the new issue, Primeval cover). They ran a nice review
and a pic of the cover of O Men 2.5 too. That has made my day!
The first run of Brit superhero comic The
O Men was met with a great deal of praise from comics websites and
various magazines, and the second season, which kicked off in May
2006, has kept the standard high. It sees the O Men team, which had
been all but obliterated in the first season, tentatively reformed
while the survivors deal with the fallout, and introduces some new
characters along the way. Issue five is a peculiar beast, an anthology
which combines the backstory for new character Asylum with those of
various other characters in a really quite ingenious way. You really
do need to read the previous issues the first three of season two
have been collected into a single comic, available from the official
site for £5 but The O Men is a solidly constructed and captivating
read thats well worth the investment.
05/11/2007... The O Men was reviewed in Australian magazine People.
See it here.
04/11/2007... Notes
for issues 2.4 and 2.5 are now uploaded.
01/09/2007... If you're new to The O Men and
fancy starting with the first collection of Season Two (great jumping-on
point!), Martin is offering to throw in the final issue of Season
One for free (while stocks last). Give it a go!
01/09/07... O Men 2.5 is on sale now!!! It's
the special Anthology issue written and drawn by Martin Eden, with
special guest art by Roger Mason, Graham Pearce, Oli Smith, Grant
Springford, Gary Simpson, Sina Shamsavari, Sean Azzopardi, Kelvin
Green and Andrew James! You can get it for £1.50 if you order
it direct from the website.
09/08/07... Good news and Bad news...
First the good news - a great review of O Men 2.4 here...
As for the bad news - sadly Martin has been struck down with a bug
and won't be able to launch the special Anthology issue at Caption
this weekend. He is absolutely gutted but it can't be helped, unfortunately.
So it's all done and will be available very, very soon - it will be
worth the wait!
28/07/07... Issue 2.5 is on target for an August
release! This is the special Anthology
issue, featuring the talents of 9 other indie comic creators. Martin
will be supplying some little teasers over the coming weeks - so watch
for them!
28/07/07... Book One of Season Two is now available!
Collecting the first three issues of Season Two, the trade paperback
costs £5 from the website! The collection sees the only surviving
member of the original team trying to create a new O Men group and
running into old and new faces...
24/06/07... O Men 2.4 is now available to buy.
Kicking off the three-part 'Team-Building' story arc, The O Men decide
to take the fight directly to the terrorist group The Vultures - but
things don't quite go to plan... The issue normally costs £2,
but if you buy it from the website it's just £1.50!
24/06/07... O Men 2.3 has been reviewed in the
new issue of Comics International:
As a new set of O Men head into action, we see what Molly Valentine's
been up to in the intervening 12 months. Martin Eden's grasp of characterisation
puts his professional peers to shame, and here he combines it with
a clever plot structure and strong artwork that makes inspired use
of the contrast between purely hand-drawn and digitally enhanced styles.
9 out of 10
20/04/07... Check out a review of O Men 2.3
14/04/07...Here is the cover to O Men 2.4 which
will hopefully be out in June.
14/04/07... Here are a few
more details on O Men 2.5, the Anthology issue!
To make up for the O Men Anthology One-shot which died last year,
Issue 2.5 will be a very special issue indeed. It will be the origin
issue of one of the new characters (and believe me, it takes a whole
issue to tell it) and parts of the issue will be illustrated by other
members of the small press community (and some friends I've thrown
in too!).
The line-up consists of:
Graham Pearce (Sgt Mike Battle,
Oli Smith (who created one of Comics International's #1 Comics of
2006 -
Grant Springford (Pest Control)
Gary Simpson (a horror and short story writer who has had his work
published in 2000AD and who is one of my favourite people)
Sean Azzopardi (Eight Hour Shift,
Sina Shamsavari (
Kelvin Green (who has had a huge impact on The O Men and wrote and
drew an Arachnid story for the dead Anthology - Read
it here!
Andrew James (I sit next to Andrew at work,
If I can organise it, the issue may also have a Star Guest cover!
All being well, the issue will be launched at Caption in August. All
not being well, it'll be out at the Brum con in October.
I still need to get two of the scripts sorted so don't panic, guys!
02/04/07... Notes for issue 2.3 now uploaded
to the notes page.
01/04/07... Issue 2.3 of The O Men is out now!
Check out the order page for details! Tbe issue is called 'Getting
Back Together' and sees Grace and Stuart reunited - at last! Or are
07/02/07... New review of O Men 2.1 here:
And to save you clicking on the link, here’s the review itself:
I missed out on the Eagle-nominated original run of this "supersoap",
so it's a great compliment to Martin Eden's storytelling that he manages
both to bring the reader back up to speed and to re-establish the
main (surviving) characters in just 30 pages.
Initially planned as a complementary brace of season-openers, Eden
ended up conflating both ideas into a fast-forward summary of Kelly's
attempts to resurrect the O Men following the cataclysmic events which
closed issue #1.26 two years ago.
Eden's a stronger writer than he is an artist, but he keeps the action
flowing and the pages turning, no easy task when you regularly have
to cram more than a half-dozen protagonists into frame (this may account
for the couple of odd tributes to Kirby's Fantastic Four heyday at
the halfway point).
Comics International has apparently dubbed this relaunch "triumphant",
and whilst I wouldn't go quite that far, it's certainly a refreshingly
assured series and one which I full intend to keep a closer eye in
the future.
22/01/07...Voting has started
for the Eagle Awards the comics equivalent of the Oscars! If
you fancy voting for The O Men in the Favourite Black and White Comic
Book category (or in any other category) please feel free to
vote for me (O Men is already listed as an option, which is nice)!
The winners will be announced at the Eagle Award ceremony at the Bristol
Comics Con in May. A full list of categories and nominees can be found
06/18/07... O
Men is mentioned as one of the best comics of 2006 by reviewer Kelvin
Green. Check out the article here:
And here's the specific mention...
Step forward and take a bow Nextwave, Invincible, Annihilation, Jack
Staff, Best New Manga, The O Men, 2000AD and Fell. You're all fine
examples of the kind of fun and interesting comics that got us involved
in this medium in the first place. And you're all selling far less
than Fanboy Action Figure Smackdown (or Civil War, as Marvel doggedly
continue to call it).
16/12/06... Issue 2.2 is out now, and you can
find the issue notes in the Notes
25/11/06... Issue 2.2 will be out in December.
In the meantime, here's a teaser. Click the image to enlarge.

12/11/06... The
Anthology section is now complete.
21/06/06... Other updates: Martin's remarks
about the covers used for the collected editions can be found in the
Notes section. There's a special offer on back issues in the Orders
section. Another new section 'Other' is currently under construction
- watch for an announcement.
21/10/06... Check out the new O Men website!
Thanks to webmaster Dave Green for putting the new look together for
me! We have also added a new collection - 'Anthology'
- which will display pages from 2005s abandoned O Men Anthology!
Im still piecing together a few final things, but there is quite
a lot of material on there already.
16/09/06... New Interview
with martin.
12/09/06...O MEN UPDATE!
Just a quick message about the upcoming second issue of The O Men.
It's coming along slowly but very surely and I want to get the issue
out by Christmas at the very latest. It's a lot of hard work though!
Anyway, in the meantime, here's the cover...

you all like it. I wanted to go for something different and striking
(and something that wouldn't use up too much printer ink lol). I'll
try and update the site a bit more regularly from now on with previews
and stuff!
Great review of O Men 2.1 in the latest Comics International!
The O Men (v2) 1
Kelly recruits a new O Men team, but it's perhaps not for the best.
superb superhero drama returns with the usual amazing writing and
a number
of subtle but effective improvements in the visuals. A triumphant
(KG) 9
29/05/06... 'Notes for Issue 2.1 can now be
in the Notes section.'
17/05/06...A very nice review of O Men 2.1 is
09/05/06... Issue 2.1, the
extra-sized first issue of season two is now on sale for £2!
07/05/06... Collections eight
and nine now available on the order page.
I came across this interesting
thingy on the interweb. It's a review of a
recent Small Press Convention, but it also contains some drawings
cartoons of The O Men by the blog's writer! Was surprised and interested
see it and thought you guys might like to see it too... There's some
Anathema images from Issue 11 and a Miss Scarlet image from Issue
"You've probably never heard of superhero
comic The O Men..."
Thus begins an article in Judge Dredd Megazine #242. Worth a punt
for Martin's artwork and comments.
19/11/05... Sneak Preview! The proposed cover
for issue one of season two of The O Men.

19/10/05... Martin has
contributed to a new horror anthology called Dead by Dawn which is
due out at halloween. Below is a panel from Martin's "Nine to
Five" story.

New interview with Martin. News on season
23/08/05...Martin now has a Paypal account for
O Men orders
28/07/05...Great feature
about The O Men, including lengthy analysis of Issue 24 here
26/06/05... Great review
of O Men #27 in the new Comics International
The O Men 27
And so Martin Eden's grand superhero soap opera comes to a climax
that is
easily far more exciting, entertaining, poignant and meaningful than
any of
the 'big' events forced upon us by major publishing companies. This
is how
Avengers Disassembled should have read.
9 out of 10
06/06/05... A comic book
shop owner (he runs Thunder Road Comics in Enniskillen) who I
met at the Bristol comics con asked me to do a pic for him that he
display in his shop. I did it yesterday evening and I really liked
it, so I
thought I'd pop it on the website. I might do a series of promo images
the whole gang, in fact. Click thumbnail for full-size.

25/02/05... Great review
of Issue 26 in the new Comics International:
Miss Scarlet exacts her revenge on the Vicious Circle. In this stupendous
issue, Eden manages to weave a compelling character examination into
a violent, Kill Bill-style action-fest. Wonderful imagery and amazing
writing combine here for a thrilling read. Absolutely essential reading.
9 out of 10.
24/02/05... Check it out
- the cover of the final issue of The O Men (volume one)!!!

Martin's prepared notes to accompany issue
07/02/05... There's some free desktop wallpaper for download
in the gallery. Will be adding more soon.
06/02/05... I'm gradually tidying up the scans in the gallery.
Now I know what I'm doing re image optimization, some of the earlier
scans now look quite good. Also, you might want to have a look at
the fora.
Just click on the link and you'll se there's already
some discussion about The O Men. A big welcome, by the way, to everybody
who's found this site since we became a part of that noble operation.
Great review here
26/01/05... The penultimate issue of
Volume One, Issue 26, is now available! Includes
free poster! Martin has already made a start on the double-sized final
of the first volume, and it should be ready by Comics 2005 (May) at
the very
18/01/05... Sorry about the change of home for
the website. It came as much as a surprise to Martin and I as it did
to everyone else! Hope you can learn to live with the advertisements.
10/12/04... Martin has prepared note on O Men
25 here.
19/11/04... Just to let you know - the
film 'And Then There Were None' is on BBC2 on Saturday 20 November
in the afternoon. The original novel by Agatha Christie plays a big
part in the 'Malice' storyline, so I thought it might be of interest
to O Men readers. It's a cool film!
17/11/04... Check out this review
of O Men 25
11/11/04... Issue 25 now available.

25/10/04... Martin is moving!!! Don't use the
Tooting address any more!!! He is now in Upper Norwood in London -
check out the ordering page for the full
25/10/04... Martin attended the Comics Winterfest
on 23 October - and thanks to everyone who popped along to say hello!
Next time, Martin might try to get organised enough to announce this
in advance...
25/10/04... Book Seven of The O Men (collecting
Issues 19-21) is now available! Check out the ordering page for more
25/10/04... Issue 25 is now available! Martin
will send the issue out to subscribers as soon as possible - although
he is moving house first, so please bear with him!! Copies will also
be available in Gosh Comics soon.
12/10/04... Exclusive new interview with martin
02/10/04... Collection number 7 will be on sale
at the end of the month. Click here
to see the cover in detail.
18/09/04... The website has had an overhaul.
I've tried to make it easier to find the content.
Let me
know what you think. Mail webmaster
Dave. Let me know if you find any broken links or if you have
any ideas for improvements. Cheers.
20/08/2004... Check out an exclusive O Men feature
the BBC Cult website
16/08/04... The Anthology will now be appearing
in 2005, not in October 2004 as originally planned. Various reasons
for this, but most of the contributors are relieved that the deadline
has gone back!!
16/08/04... More preview art - this time
for the 'Blackie Goes to the Cinema' story.
This one's written by Martin and drawn by the hugely talented John

18/07/04... First up, exclusive preview pages
from the upcoming O Men Anthology. This is from Gary Simpson and Sean
Azzopardi's flashback Anathema (and Doctor O) story. Included is 1
unfinished page and two sketches.

Also included is a picture of Martin at Comics 2004 in Bristol - He's
on the
right, and Pest Control's Grant Springfield is on the left.

22/06/04... EXCITING
O Men cast cover Gary Spencer Millidge (Strangehaven -
Pathe story Written by Nick Jones, drawn by Garen Ewing ('Rainbow
Seraph pin-up Drawn by Tim Doe
Frenzy story Written by Leon, drawn by Barry Renshaw (
Anathema story Written by Gary Simpson, drawn by Sean Azzopardi
('Grey Sky',
UK Ultra Knights pin-up (TBC) Drawn by David Baillie ('Awkward Fascination',
Blackie story Written by Martin Eden, drawn by John Paul Howard
Vicious Circle story Written and drawn by Mardou ('Stiro', 'Manhole',
Arachnid story Written and drawn by Kelvin Green ('The Girly Comic')
Snow Leopard story Written and drawn by Marcus Scudamore (my mate!)
Molly Valentine pin-up (TBC) Drawn by Sarwat Chadda
O Men story Written by Martin Eden and drawn by Grant Springford
(Pest Control)
Miss Scarlet pin-up Drawn by Roger Mason ('The Mice')
15/06/04... Great review here.
01/06/04... Messages from Martin:
1st item:
There's a great review of the new issue - issue 24 - here:
Apologies to Craig at the excellent Silver Bullet Comic Books website
for getting their name wrong on the cover - d'oh.
2nd item:
Just a quick note to say that Comics 2004 was fantastic - I had a
really cool time - thanks for everyone who popped along to the stand
to say hello, and thanks to everyone who invested in a copy of The
O Men. It was lovely to meet up with old acquaintances, to put some
faces to familiar names - such as Sam, Nick, Craig and loads of others
- and it was great to meet some really nice new people too. Things
like this make the hard work all worthwhile. Roll on Comics 2005!
(Or, hopefully, I'll see you all at Caption in August!)
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